Monday, May 09, 2011

I Wish You Were Here, Earl

I wish you were here, Earl, of course I always wish that, every day, but particularly I wished you'd been here to see the end of Bin Laden, the mass-killer.
As the rest of those criminal miscreants, OBL was a dedicated Jew-killer, an enemy of Israel, and basically all cvivilization.
The world is so much better off without this evil criminal,
Your spirit and your life gives us strength against those who would harm us..
There is a huge empty space that you filled, that is sadly empty, except to the extent that your powerful spirit over powered death,
We miss you, Earl Krugel.

Our blessing to your entire family, and especially your grandsons and your dear wife, Lola.

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Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel