Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Netanyahu "It takes more than one to Tango"

You’re a student of history. You know that a lot of people look at you and say this man could be the guy, like Richard Nixon, who made the opening to China, because he has the political cover that allows him to do that. Bibi Netanyahu is not going to be accused of being soft. Do you think there is that road for you?

You should come to Israel.

But do you think that there is that role for you?

I hope so. But in order to make it work, you need in the Middle East…I was going to say two to tango. In the Middle East, you probably need at least three.

But I think the United States is indispensable in brokering any type of a final peace deal. But I’m adding a different, a new component, because what I see is so startling and so different, you can see that in Gaza. You know, there were more demonstrations against Israel vis-a-vis Gaza in Paris than there were in the Arab world. That’s going to be telling you something.

And I think because many people in the Arab world, it’s not that they, you know, we care about every single civilian casualty and we were forced to strike at the rocketeers that embedded themselves – these Hamas people, in hospitals, schools, mosques, firing rockets and using Palestinian children as human shields. And it was horrible. And we regret every single civilian that happened there.
But it’s instructive, nonetheless, that many in the Arab world understood that Hamas is fighting a war that threatens them, as well. They didn’t fall for it. They didn’t fall for it. And I think that changed. We have to see how we can explore that to get a cooperation with the leading Arab states not only to advance security, but also to advance peace.

So, you know, this is not merely Nixon going to China. There are a lot of Chinas out there.

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