Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Tell the House: Keep fighting.

Keep fighting for real health care reform. Tell the leadership in the House that any bill that gets sent to the president should:

-Hold insurance companies accountable. We need to revoke their anti-trust exemption and force them to compete with a real public option.

-Make sure insurance is affordable. We cannot wait until 2013 to start insurance market reforms and subsidies and we must ensure nobody will be forced to buy insurance with premiums, co-pays or deductibles they can't afford.

-Protect reproductive choice. We must not impose new restrictions on whether or how insurance companies can cover reproductive services.

On Christmas Eve, the Senate capitulated to  Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson and passed a deeply problematic health care bill. Now, as the House and Senate bills are being merged, it's up to the  members of the House to keep fighting for real health care reform.

Negotiations about the final, merged bill have already begun behind closed doors. There is a lot of pressure for members of the House to accept the Senate bill with all of its flaws. But rank-and-file members of Congress need to speak out now and keep fighting to make the bill better.

Can you tell members of the Congress to keep fighting to: 1) hold insurance companies accountable, 2) make sure insurance is affordable and 3) protect reproductive choice? Click here to automatically add your name to our petition.

Whatever final bill that goes to President Obama's desk should:

Hold insurance companies accountable. We need to revoke their anti-trust exemption and force them to compete with a real public option.
Make sure insurance is affordable. We cannot wait until 2013 to start insurance market reforms and subsidies and we must ensure nobody will be forced to buy insurance with premiums, co-pays or deductibles they can't afford.
Protect reproductive choice. We must not impose new restrictions on whether or how insurance companies can cover reproductive services.
There is clearly a multitude of views among progressives about the best strategy to pursue, but it's clear that we won't get a better bill unless we fight for a better bill. You can bet that the insurance industry, Big Pharma, and other corporate stakeholders in the health care fight are not sitting on their hands. We shouldn't either.

So tell the House,  Keep fighting. Any health care bill that goes to President Obama's desk should 1) hold insurance companies accountable, 2) make sure insurance is affordable and 3) protect reproductive choice.

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Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel