Monday, May 11, 2009

Earl Krugel, A Man For The People

Earl Krugel, though a hero to many, was in certain  ways, just a gentle, down to earth American.
He loved his wife Lola, and doted on his Grandchildren.
When I spoke to him while he was imprisoned in MDC-LA, he never complained about the brutalizing conditions.
Irv Rubin spoke extensively about it, he said, "Prison is the most mind-numbing punishment ever devised by man."
The JDL never really recovered from the loss of these two brave men.
In my opinion, not to be contentious, but if I were the leader of JDL I would feel the need to delve into the death of Earl Krugel, how the system, apparently allowed or even encourage his murder.
Earl had a handle on what it meant to use violence.
"Only in extreme circumstances," he said, and only as a last resort.
He probably saved the lives of at least some Jews in California, who, at the time were being attacked by Arab   students .
After his courageous actions became known, the leader of the Arab militant comunity in California said "We are afraid."
They stopped attacking Jews.

The video below, I offer on behalf of my dear friend, who lives in my heart and mind, and in the hearts of many freedom loving Jews and Gentiles:

Video By Michael Blackburn, Sr

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