Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I am not ashamed to admit it
By Meir Kahane
I am afraid.
I am afraid that my people and my state are marching inexorably to a horror that can best be unimagined. And I am afraid, for the first time, that we are in the hands of people so blind and so mad and so un-Jewish that we may not be able, G-d forbid, to avert the catastrophe.
Last week I was at the Western Wall. It was the Friday after the Friday when the Moslems, standing on the Temple Mount -- OUR Temple Mount -- hurled rocks and stones on the Jews praying below. It was the Friday after the Friday when Jews, in the sovereign State of Israel, praying at the remains of the Holy Temple, fled in panic from the Moslems who cried "Allah Akhbar!" It was the Friday after the Friday in which Jews in the State of Israel fled in panic from Moslems who proclaimed their dream of destroying the Jewish State.
I was at the Wall on the Friday after the Friday. No less than 3,000 (!) security forces were there to protect the Jews in their own state from Moslems who once so trembled before the Jew. Three thousand (!) security forces to protect Jews -- who were so frightened that they stayed away in droves. The proud State of Israel. . . .
I am afraid. I am afraid that the Jews of insanity who run this land will destroy us, even as all the impossible Herut fools in the United States continue to write columns attacking the PLO.
I am afraid. Last week, I was at the Hebron Jewish cemetery. I saw the swastikas and the Arab graffiti of hate on the walls. I saw the desecrated tombstones. I watched as the Jews held a memorial service.
A memorial service! They murder us and they dececrate us and we react with memorial services!
That day a rock smashed through the car window of a Jew traveling in Bethlehem, injuring him in the temple, cheek and shoulder. That day, 600 apple and 50 olive trees were destroyed along with tens of thousands of commercial flowers at the settlement of Nvei Michael. But I return to the cemetery.
How many people, how many Jews, in the world heard of the Hebron cemetery outrage? No matter. How should they have heard of it when the Prime Minister of Israel, the President of Israel, its Knesset and its governmental leaders did not find it necessary to shout their indignation.
A week of Chillul Hashem, of desecration. And the men who run this State of Disorder sit by, hapless and impotent, silent partners to Desecration. And I know that the Almighty's rage will lash out at us for allowing His name to be defiled. And I am afraid for much more.
Last week I watched as the insanity spread and reached new heights. The Border Police, the elite security forces, were sent to make arrests in the murderous village of Nahalin. They were attacked by hundreds of stone throwing, Molotov cocktail-throwing Arabs. The Border Police, under a murderous barrage, fired and killed four Arabs. Only four Arabs. The Arabs shrieked in protest; the pathologically sick leftists joined them and demanded and "investigation"; the army command, led by two kibbutz members, Chief of Staff Don Shomron and Central Command OC Amram Mitzna, so ordered. The Border Police were accused of "overreacting" and "indiscriminate shooting," and two of their officers were suspended from duty.
I am afraid. Yesterday they destroyed the army with their insane orders that hobbled the troops, causing them to fear to deal with the Arabs as normal soldiers should. Today, they take the best of the security forces, the Border Police, and destroy them, too. And they must be stopped before they destroy the Jewish state -- and the Jew.
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