Thursday, August 03, 2006

Shortly after 911 the FBI, in response to criticism by the Arab antidefamitionn league, claimed that the feds were not being
even handed in their hunt for terrorists, i.e., onlyArab terrorists were being arrested.
After a spatter of Jew beatings on the UCLA campus by Arabs affiliated with the King Faud Mosque in L.A., the FBI recruited an informer to agitate Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel into some type of illegal response.
Although reluctant to commit any crimes, both men, having lost family in the Holocaust, tentatively agreed to perform some type of minor, non lethal response to show the Arabs that such behavior, e.i.,Jew bashing, would not go unnoticed.
Danny Gillis, in the employ of the FBI, purchased explosives and delivered them to the home of Earl Krugel (OBM) who was immediately arrested and charged with terrorists acts.
Earl was placed in solitary confinement and tortured for two months.
After two years in jail he was forced to accept a plea agreement that amounted to life in prison without parole.
The day he arrived in prison he was murdered , although a mentally deficient patsy did the deed itself. wrote
The prison system in America protects pedophiles, murderers, rapists and…you guessed it, Islamic terrorists. When it comes to Jews, they turn their backs. Of course Jews represent the smallest minority in the prison system. That’s due to the fact that 99.9% of Jewish people are law abiding citizens that have done more good for society than any other group of human beings. They represent success, intelligence and more. They are are threat to many because of this. Jealousy, intolerance etc.manifest among the morons that can’t see their own feet because of a fat beer gut. Are people afraid to have Jews living on their street because they don’t want too many doctors in the neighborhood? Ever hear of Shabbas services in a prison? I’m sure The Nation of Islam has carved a nitch for themselves in the prisons of America because they recruit there as well.

I have over two hundred letters from Earl Krugeland Irv Rubin in prison, stay tuned for this in the next few installments.

Who paid the alledged killer? Why the delay in apphrehension?What was the gov'ts involvement?

1 comment:

  1. I wish i had a picture of Earl with Buckwheat the way i remember him. He was my close friend and i miss him so much
